- 飞越 flyby; flyover; overflight
- 领空 territorial sky; territorial ...
- 的 4次方是 The fourth power of 2 i ...
- 权利 right; interest
- 未经授权进入他国领空的行为 unauthorized aerial intrusion
- 飞越领空 overflight
- 霸占别国领土 forcibly occupy the territory of another country
- 并吞别国领土 annex the territory of another state
- 瓜分别国领土 carve up the territory of another country
- 侵吞别国领土 annex another country's territory
- 侵占别国领土 invade and occupy another country's territory
- 觊觎别国领土 covet another country's territory
- 不降停飞跃另一缔约国领土的权利 the privilege to fly across the territory of another contracting state without landing
- 恣意践踏别国领土 wilfully trample on the territory of other countries
- 对边境领空的监视 surveillance of air frontiers
- 越过边界进入别国领土 cross the border into another territory
- 爱的权利 love is the power
- 剥夺的权利 despoil sb of his right
- 保留…的权利 reserve the right to
- 被告的权利 right of the accused
- 变更的权利 right to vary
- 撤销的权利 right to rescind
- 动物的权利 do animals have rights
- 独处的权利 right to be let alone
- 法律的权利 arm of the law