Meanwhile , the digital flight data recorder and the cockpit voice recorder of the aeroplane have been sent to beijing for retrieval of flight information 此外,该航机的飞行数据记录器和驾驶舱录音机已送往北京读取飞行资料。
The system is designed to search , track , process and display ssr equipped aircraft within an airspace of 32 nautical miles in range and 15 , 000 feet in elevation 这套系统可搜寻、追踪、处理和展示装有二次监察雷达应答器的飞机及其飞行资料,覆盖范围达3 2海里,覆盖高度则达1 5 0 0 0英尺。
Early warning system of missiles is an real - time infrared reconnaissance camera based on satellite platform , it can simutaneously reconnoiter , discriminate and track the enemy missile , then obtain the information about the missile ’ s flight parameter 本文研究的导弹预警系统是基于卫星平台的红外实时传输侦察相机设备,它可以实时侦察、辨别、跟踪敌方飞行导弹,在短时间内获取导弹飞行资料。