- 飞地 land of one province or coun ...
- 在 exist; be living
- 某 certain; some
- 一 one
- 国家 country; state; nation
- 里 in; inside
- 的 4次方是 The fourth power of 2 i ...
- 外国 foreign country
- 领土 territory; domain
- 指在一国境内的外国领土,此处为借用的手法 tourism"enclave"-enclave
- 远征某一国家 expedition to a country
- 某一国家的人们 country or associated with a particular way of life
- 移民到某一国家 immigrate into a country
- 与某一国家断绝外交关系 break off diplomatic relations with a country
- 敌国领土 enemy territory
- 家里的 domestic
- 外国领海 foreign territorial seas
- 外国领事馆 foreign consulate
- 外国领事团 consular corps
- 霸占别国领土 forcibly occupy the territory of another country
- 并吞别国领土 annex the territory of another state
- 瓜分别国领土 carve up the territory of another country
- 侵吞别国领土 annex another country's territory
- 侵吞邻国领土 annex neighbouring country
- 侵占别国领土 invade and occupy another country's territory