The shrimp of main commercial importance is metapenaeus ensis 基围主要具经济价值的是刀额新对虾
Part iii comparative studies on the morphology and ultrastructure of compound eyes in two kinds of crustacean . the morphology and fine structure of compound eyes in two species ( portunus tritubereulatus , metapenaeus ensis ) were studied by electron microscope 三、几种不同分类地位甲壳动物复眼超微结构的比较用电子显微镜观察了三疣梭子蟹( portunustritubereulatus )和刀额新对虾( metapenaeusensis )的光感受器。
We observed the surface structure and inner structure of the compound eyes . and we also studied the change process of the ultrastructure of the compound eyes in different light adaptation . comparative studies on the structure differences of photoreceptor between portunus tritubereulatus and metapenaeusensis were also done 运用电子显微镜技术观察了三疣梭子蟹( portunustritubereulatus )的光感受器的超微结构,对三疣梭子蟹复眼的外部形态、大小、内部超微结构,以及在不同光适应条件下的变化过程进行了研究;并且与刀额新对虾( metapenaeusensis )光感受器的超微结构进行了比较。
The results under scanning electron microscope were that the compound eye of miers is semi - globular . the surface area of the compound eyes is about 25 . 12mm2 . the ommatidia that form the compound eye are hexagon . on the back of the compound eye there is a thumb - shaped area where have no ommatidia 扫描电镜观察显示三疣梭子蟹的复眼外形为半球形,复眼表面积约为25 . 12mm ~ 2 ,背面有一拇指状的无眼区,组成复眼的小眼为长六边形;刀额新对虾的复眼外形为球形,背面无拇指状的无眼区,组成复眼的小眼为四边形。