Test for 50 000cycles at a rate not exceeding 10 cycles per minute of alternating flow through the device of zero to the rated flow in accordance with table 12 . 2 , at ambient water temperature 在环境水温下,按照表12 . 2 ,以每分钟通过装置的交变流量(在0 ~额定流量之间)循环次数不超过10的速率,进行50000次循环测试。
The open angle , head loss and hydrodynamic pressure under the rated flow and several kinds of proportion are carefully observed in the model test , and these results are given for reference in engineering design 阶段模型试验中详细观测了在额定流量下,不同比重拍门的开启角度,水头损失及门体动水压力变化情况,以供工程设计应用参考。