- 颈 neck
- 颈和骨盆牵引 cervical and pelvic traction
- 颈过度伸展性眩晕 vertigo produced by neck hyperextension
- 颈和躯干部骨折 fracture of neck and trunk
- 颈果草 metaeritrichum microuloides
- 颈和躯干操作法 manipulation of neck or trunk
- 颈管消失 effacement of cervical canal; effacement of cervix
- 颈和四肢的常见畸形 congenital malformations of the face neck and limbs; congenital malformations of the face,neck,andlimbs; congenital malformations of the face,neck,and limbs
- 颈管外口 orificium externum canalis cervicis; orificium externum uteri; os tincae; os1 tincae; os1 uteri externum; ostium uteri
- 颈和四肢的发生 development of the face neck and limbs; development of the face,neck and limbs; development of the face,neck and limbs
- 颈管内口 orificium internum canalis cervicis; orificium internum uteri; orificiuminternumuteri; os1 uteri internum; ostium internum uteri