- 领养 adopt
- 的 4次方是 The fourth power of 2 i ...
- 子女 sons and daughters; offsprin ...
- 收养的子女 foster child
- 领养的 foster
- 领养子女 adopted children
- 领养的父母 adoptive parent
- 神的子女 harijian
- 我们的子女 our beloved son
- 被遗弃的子女 deserted children
- 法国人移民的子女 be ke
- 夫妻关系中的子女 a child of a union of concubinage
- 夫妾关系中的子女 a child of a union of concubinage; child of a union of concubinage
- 关于他们的子女 about their kids
- 离婚夫妇的子女 child of divorce; child of illegitimate birth
- 圣卢西亚的子女 sons and daughters of saint lucia
- 死后无活著的子女 decessit sine prole superstite
- 〔美国〕有幼孩待人领养的机关。 child-placement agency
- 领养 adopt 领养一个孩子 adopt a child; 领养人 adopter; 领养子女 adopted children
- 阿葛曼农和他的子女 agamemnon and his children
- 处在家父权下的子女 liberi in potestate; liberii otestate
- 妇女终身生育的子女数 number of children born to a woman in her lifetime
- 可领取抚恤金的子女 pensionable child
- 尚在其母腹中的子女 a child en ventre sa mere; child en ventre sa mere
- 她煞费苦心教育她的子女 she took great pains in educating her children
- The adopted child of you or your spouse or former spouse ; or
由你或你配偶或前配偶所领养的子女或 - The adopted child of the taxpayer or hisher spouse or former spouse ; or