- excision of depressed cranial fracture
- 颅骨 harnpan; skull
- 凹陷骨折 depressed fracture
- 切除 excision; resection; absciss ...
- 术 art; skill; technique
- 颅骨凹陷骨折 depressed cranial fracture
- 颅骨凹陷骨折掀起术 elevation of depressed cranial fracture
- 颅骨凹陷骨折整复术 elevation of depressed fracture of skull
- 凹陷颅骨折 depressed skull fracture
- 颅骨切除术 craniectomy; craniotomy
- 凹陷性颅骨骨折 depressed fracture of skull
- 胸骨凹陷 koilosternia
- 颅骨切除术伴肿瘤切除术 craniectomy with excision of tumor
- 部分颅骨切除术 craniectomy
- 骨成形颅骨切除术 osteoplastic craniectomy
- 进行颅骨切除术 craniectomize
- 颅骨病损切除术 excision of lesion of skull
- 颅骨胆脂瘤切除术 removal of cholesteatoma of cranial bone; removalofcholesteatomaofcranialbone
- 颅骨骨瘤切除术 resection of cranio-osteoma
- 颅骨肉瘤切除术 resection of craniosarcoma
- 颅骨死骨切除术 sequestrectomy of bone of skull
- 偏侧颅骨切除术 hemicraniectomy; hemicraniotomy
- 线状颅骨切除术 linear craniectomy
- 胸骨凹陷畸形 depression deformity of sternum; depression deformity of the sternum; koilosternia
- 颅骨切除术伴颅骨病损切除术 craniectomy with excision of bone lesion of skull
- 先天性颅骨凹 congenital depression in skull