

  • early warning radar
  • early-warning installation
  • early-warning radar
  • ewr



  • 例句与用法
  • Microwave early warning radar mew radar
  • Clutter suppression is critical to airborne early warning surveillance sensors
  • The calculation of sea / land clutter power to airborne pd early warning radar is a hot and difficult problem of ew simulation
  • The paris metro is considering digging anti - suicide trenches or fitting warning radar in its 380 stations in an effort to reduce the number of people who try to kill themselves on the network
  • Focused on the realization in engineering practice , this paper discussed automotive anticollision radar ' s function requirement , working principle and system design . through summarizing and analysis of its research and development , the paper proposes a new type of secondary centimeter wave automotive anticollision radar that applied on the expressway
  • Finally , i think that in combat , when i can pilot it out to fight our enemy , depend on the excellent air mobility , superior electronic fire control system . and the performance of the long - range precision - guided weapons , add with my experience , i do think . my enemy should be ready to become a " droop angle spiral slide in air , " they have no chance of survival
  • Different from detecting space of land - based radar which has relative unchangabledetection space , aew radar ’ s detecting space changes with the carrier ' s patrol line . what ’ smore , because of both movements of carrier and targets , aew radar will detect targets whichwere out of its coverage
  • [ b ] finally , i think that in combat , when i can pilot it out to fight our enemy , depend on the excellent air mobility , superior electronic fire control system . and the performance of the long - range precision - guided weapons , add with my experience , i do think . my enemy should be ready to become a " droop angle spiral slide in air , " they have no chance of survival
  • 其他语种释义
  • 推荐英语阅读
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