预谋 premeditate; deliberate; plan beforehand; plan in advance 一次有预谋的行动 a deliberate action; 预谋报复 deliberately plan a revenge; 预谋犯罪 calculated crime; 预谋杀人 premeditated murder; murder with malice prepense; 预谋者 premeditator
Industrial circulating cooling water determination of calcium for phosphorus - zine prefilmingtluid 工业循环冷却水中磷锌预膜液中钙离子测定方法
Technology - technical code for on line chemical cleaning and prefilming under the load of heat of recirculating cooling water system 循环冷却水系统不停车化学清洗和热态预膜工艺技术规程
Industrial circulating cooling water - determination of zinc for phosphorus - zinc prefilming fluid - atomic absorption spectrometric method 工业循环冷却水用磷锌预膜液中锌含量的测定原子吸收光谱法
Method of use : as dispersing agent of fe2o3 for preparing membrane , as scale - preventative for equipments of industrial water 2用途:本品可用作预膜时三氧化二铁的分散剂,工业用水设备的防垢剂。
Industrial circulating cooling water - determination of calcium for phosphorus - zinc prefilming fluid - atomic absorption spectrometric method 工业循环冷却水用磷锌预膜液中钙含量的测定原子吸收光谱法
Technical specification for technology of on line chemical cleaning and pre - forming under the load of heat of re - circulating cooling water system 循环冷却水系统不停车化学清洗和热态预膜工艺技术规程
Though membrane time arises to the antiseptic efficiency by way of reducing and corroding the density of the electric current and increasing the resistance of polarising to corroding the influence of the electric potential by oneself not big in advance 虽然预膜时间对自腐蚀电位的影响不大,但通过降低腐蚀电流密度和增大极化电阻的方式也起到了防腐功效。
The arrangement of lido , cool water treatment frst stage to abate bacterium kill alga ( finish already ) , to add membrane pharmaceutical in advance in second stage ( already finish too ) , the company of lido will come to add stablizers tomorrow 按丽都的部署,冷却水处理第一阶段是杀细菌灭藻类(已完成) ,第二阶段是添加预膜剂(也已完成) ,明天丽都公司来添加稳定剂。
Experiment indicate membrane can hinder course that corrode well in advance , carbon in contain steel few quantity lose behind the membrane in advance also , reduce the consumption of the pharmaceutical of losing slowly like this , economize resources 实验还表明预膜可以很好地阻碍腐蚀的过程,预膜后的碳钢在含有很少量缓蚀剂的体系中就能较好地防止腐蚀,这样就减少了缓蚀剂的用量,节约了资源。
It influences the miaow thiazole quinoline to lose slowly that the experiment is drawn the pharmaceutical loses slowly the factor of performance has temperature mainly , density , the membrane time in advance , and design many group ' s simulation systems for different influence of these three factors , is it is it should lose pharmaceutical to lose pharmaceutical slowly one positive pole type , lose performance is it is it form space location hinder after the membrane to absorb to come from mainly slowly slowly to appear to prove , thus isolated the carbon steel base body and corrode the medium 实验得出影响咪唑啉缓蚀剂缓蚀性能的因素主要有温度,浓度,预膜时间,并针对这三个因素的不同影响设计了多组模拟体系,验证出该缓蚀剂是一种阳极型的缓蚀剂,缓蚀性能主要来自于吸附成膜后形成空间位阻,从而隔离了碳钢基体和腐蚀介质。