The application of prestressed concrete pipepiles in the spongy ground soil 预应力混凝土管桩在软弱地基中的应用
Prestressed concrete pipe pile 预应力混凝土管桩
Study on calculation method about settlement of pre - stressed concrete pipe pile composite foundation 预应力混凝土管桩复合地基沉降计算方法研究
Test amp; measuring of leakage protective circuit breaker in electric distribution lines of housing projects 关于预应力混凝土管桩检测方法的探讨
Pipes ; survey of standards for pipes from concrete , reinforced concrete and prestressed concrete 管件.混凝土钢筋混凝土和预应力混凝土管件的标准的
Specification for structural design of buried prestressed concrete pipeline of water supply and sewerage engineering 给水排水工程埋地管芯缠丝预应力混凝土管和预应力钢筒混凝土管管道结构设计规程
Directions for transporting and storing of concrete pipes , reinforced concrete pipes , prestressed concrete pipes and fittings and concrete manhole shaft rings 混凝土管钢筋混凝土管及预应力混凝土管管件和混
Large diameter prestressed concrete tubular pile is one of the new type of pile foundation structure developed in the period of sixth five - years plan , the category and specifications of this kind of concrete tubular pile improved continually from the only one al type to a , b , c three category including seven types with the development of harbor industry , and applied in more than forty large scale harbor and bridge projects . the advantages of this product such as better structure performance , lower investment and higher construction speed were fully embodied in such projects 大直径预应力混凝土管桩是我国从“六五”期间开始的新的桩基结构形式,随着港口事业的发展,大直径预应力混凝土管桩的品种与规格不断得到拓展,从原来的单一的a1型桩发展到a 、 b 、 c三类7种规格的系列产品,在全国四十多座大型码头和桥梁工程中得到应用,充分体现了大管桩这一产品结构性能好,投资省,速度快的优势。