- 预先 in advance; beforehand
- 致敏 sensitization
- 的 4次方是 The fourth power of 2 i ...
- 致敏的 allergized; sensitized
- 放射致敏的 radiosensitive
- 致敏的细胞 allergized cell
- 抗原致敏的淋巴细胞 antigen sensitized lymphocyte
- 抗原致敏的人树突状细胞 apdc
- 预致敏的淋巴细胞试验 presensitized lymphocyte test
- 致敏 sensitization◇致敏物质 [免疫学] sensitizer; 致敏作用 [免疫) sensitization
- 谨事先致谢 thank you in anticipation
- 预先 in advance; beforehand 预先打好行李 be beforehand with one's packing; 预先感谢 thank sb. in anticipation; 预先警告 forewarn; 预先声明 state explicitly beforehand; 预先通知 notify in advance; 她总是预先付房租。 she is always beforehand with the rent. 一切都已预先安排妥当。 everything has been fixed in advance
- 光致敏 light sensitization; photose itization; photosensitization
- 致敏t细胞 sensitized t cell
- 致敏剂 sensitizing agent
- 致敏素 sensibilin; sensibilisin
- 致敏物 sensitizer
- 致敏性 sensitization
- 致敏原 se itinogen; sensibiligen; sensitinogen
- 致敏者 sensitizer
- 磁敏的 magnetic-sensing
- 电敏的 electrosensitive
- 光敏的 light sensitive; light-activated; light-sensitive; photoactive; photoresponsive; photosensitive; sensitized
- 过敏的 allergic; anaphylactic; hypersensitive; hypersensitized; hypersusceptible; irritable; supersensitive; touchy
- 红敏的 red-sensitive