But my assignment is to return these hostiles in my capture to stanton . . 但我现在的任务是将这些囚犯押解回斯坦顿堡
I assure you , they ' ll be redirected as soon as we reach fort stanton 我向你保证,等我们到达斯坦顿堡后会换个方向的
Stanton ' s three days away . my daughter will be in mexico by then 斯坦顿堡还有三天的路程在那之前我女儿就会被带到墨西哥去了
Fort walton beach 华尔顿堡滩
The ends of the bridge are at historic fort hamilton in brooklyn and fort wadsworth in staten island , both of which guarded new york harbor at the narrows for over a century 它的两端分别起自布鲁克林的历史名迹汉密尔顿堡和史泰登岛的沃兹沃斯堡,这两处守卫了纽约港一个多世纪。