- 面 face
- 发育不全 hypoplasia; atelia; ateliosi ...
- 肢面发育不全 acrofacial dysostosis of weyers
- 双侧面发育不全,颌面骨发育不全综合征 bilateral facial agenesis
- 遗传性颅骨面发育不全 hereditary craniofacial dysostosis
- 唇发育不全 atelocheilia
- 发育不全 abortion; agenesia; agenesis; anaplasia; ateleiosis; atelia; ateliosis; depauperate; depauperation; dysgonesis; dysplasia; evaluation dysgenesis; falteringgrowth; hypogenesia; hypogenesis; hypolastic development; hypoplasia; hypoplasty; hypoplasy; immaturity; rudiment; under development; underdevelopment; undergrowth
- 发育不全的 abortive; agennetic; aplastic; ateliotic; depauperate; hypogenetic; hypoplastic; immature; semideveloped; uadergtown; under developed; under development; undergrown; vestigial
- 发育不全肺 immature lungs
- 发育不全卵 abortive egg
- 发育不全区 hypoplastic area
- 发育不全腿 rudimentary leg
- 发育不全症 aplasia
- 肺发育不全 agenesis of lung; hypoplasia of lung; pulmonary agenesis; pulmonary hypoplasia
- 肝发育不全 liver agenesis
- 骨发育不全 anosteoplasia; anostosis; bone dysostosis; hypostosis
- 肌发育不全 amyoplasia
- 睫发育不全 agenesis of cilia
- 口发育不全 ateliosis oris; atelostomia
- 脑发育不全 atelencephalia; atelo-encephalia; oligophrenia; parencephalia
- 瀑发育不全 dysgenesia
- 舌发育不全 ateloglossia
- 肾发育不全 renal aplasia
- 手发育不全 atelocheiria
- 头发育不全 atelocephalous; ethmocephalus