- taskforceontheprogrammeofactionforafricaneconomicrecoveryanddevelopment
- 非洲 Africa
- 经济复苏 economic resurgence
- 和 mix; blend
- 发展 develop; expand; grow; burge ...
- 行动 move about; get about
- 纲领 outline
- 联合国非洲经济复苏和发展行动纲领 unapec united nations action programme for economic recovery and development in africa
- 促进非洲经济复苏和发展全系统行动计划 system-wideplanofactionforafricaneconomicrecoveryanddevelopment
- 非洲经济复苏和发展人的方面问题喀土穆宣言 khartoum declaration on the human dimension of africa's economic recovery and development
- 中非经济和社会发展行动纲领 programme for china-africa cooperation in economic and social development
- 非洲经济复苏优先方案 africa's priority programmes for economic recovery
- 科学和技术促进发展行动纲领 programme of action on science and technology for development
- 世界土地改革和农村发展行动纲领 world programme of action for agrarian reform and rural development
- 非洲区域行动纲领 regional action programme for africa
- 经济合同行动纲领 action programme for economic cooperation
- 支持中美洲经济和社会发展行动委员会 committee for action in support of the economic and social development of central america
- 支持中美洲经济社会发展行动委员会 el comite de accion de apoyo al desarrollo economico y social de centroamerica
- 非洲经济规划和发展部长会议 african conference of ministers for economic planning and development
- 经济复苏 business revival; climbout; economic recovery; economic resurgence; economical recovery; economical resurgence; economicrecovery; wirtschaftsbelebung f./konjunkturelle aufschwung
- 行动纲领 action agenda; action platform; guideline; program of action; programme of action
- 发展旅游业区域行动纲领 regional programme of action for the development of tourism
- 人口与发展开罗行动纲领 cairo programme of action on population and development
- 联合国经济合作行动纲领 united nations action programme for economic cooperation
- 经济复苏经济复原 economicrecovery
- 中美洲复苏和发展国际委员会 international commission for central american recovery and development