- international reference grouon disarmament and security in the horn of africa
- 非洲之角 the Horn of Africa
- 裁军 disarmament
- 和 mix; blend
- 安全 safe; secure; safety; securi ...
- 问题 question; problem
- 国际 international; between natio ...
- 咨询 seek advice from; hold couns ...
- 小组 group
- 国际咨询小组 iag international advisory group
- 裁军和安全问题独立委员会 icdsi; independent commission on disarmament and security issues
- 裁军和安全问题帕尔梅委员会的最后声明 finalstatementofthepalmecommissionondisarmamentandsecurityissues
- 核电安全问题国际会议 international conference on the safety of nuclear power
- 国际核安全咨询小组 international nuclear safety advisory group
- 非洲之角 horn of africa
- 国际安全问题 international security questions
- 研究圣地安全问题国际会议 international conference to study the question of the security of the holy places
- 裁军和国际安全的关系的专家小组 group of experts on the relationship between disarmament and international security
- 大非洲之角旱灾问题特使 special envoy on the drought in the greater horn of africa
- 国际公务员独立和安全问题工作队 taskforceontheindependenceandsecurityoftheinternationalcivilservice
- 冲突后非洲国家问题特设咨询小组 hoc advisory grouon african countries emerging from conflict
- 假设问题咨询小组 advisory grouon assumptions
- 销毁问题咨询小组 destruction advisory panel
- 国际医务咨询小组 international medical advisory panel
- 裁军和国际安全委员会 commission for disarmament and international security
- 非洲问题国际会议 international conference on africa