静默 1.(不出声) become silent 静默无声 absolute quietness; 保持静默 keep silence2.(肃立表示悼念) mourn in silence; observe silence 静默致哀三分钟 observe three minutes' silence; 为 ... 静默致哀 mourn in silence for; observe a silence in memory of sb.; 为悼念革命先烈静默三分钟 observe a three minutes' silence in memory of revolutionary martyrs
无线电静默 radio listening silence; radio quiescence; radio silence; wireless silence
The silent install option uses a response file 静默安装选项使用一个名为
It can also be configured to run as a silent installation 它也可以进行配置,作为一个静默安装来运行。
Starts a silent installer 启动静默安装程序。
Support for silent install 支持静默安装。
Run setup . exe from a command line to perform a silent or unattended installation 从命令行运行setup . exe以执行静默安装或无人参与安装。
The uninstall capability helps users remove the product from the location where it was installed 静默安装卸载功能帮助用户从安装的位置删除该产品。
You could also use the silent install option to provide a consistent installation on multiple machines 您也可以使用静默安装选项来提供在多台机器上的一致安装。
If you use silent install , you need to modify the response file so that the ports are unique 如果你使用静默安装( silent install ) ,你需要修改响应文件,使端口是唯一的。
However , unix installations that need a non - gui installation process can use the silent install option is an alternative 然而,需要一个非图形界面安装过程的unix安装则可以选择作为备用的静默安装选项。
Lists properties and options for installing sql server from the command prompt , including unattended and silent installations 列出从命令提示符安装sql server的属性和选项,包括无人参与安装和静默安装。