In the third group naryshkin was repeating the tale of the meeting of the austrian council of war , at which , in reply to the stupidity of the austrian general , suvorov crowed like a cock 纳雷什金在第三组中谈到苏沃洛夫曾在奥国军委会会议中像公鸡似的发出尖叫声,用以回答奥国将军们说的蠢话。
Shoko asahara , founder of the aum doomsday cult , jones , founder of the people ' s temple , koresh , founder of the branch of davidians , and luc jouret , founder of the solar temple , all advocated the doomsday theory in different ways 奥姆真理教的教主麻原彰晃,人民圣殿教教主琼斯,大卫教派教主考雷什,以及太阳圣殿教教主吕克?儒雷都以不同的形式宣扬“世界末日论” 。
Anatole , who was as handsome on a closer view as he was from a distance , sat down beside her , and said he had long wished to have this pleasure , ever since the narishkins ball , at which he had had the pleasure he had not forgotten of seeing her 阿纳托利在近处就像在远处一样十分俊秀,他挨着她坐下并且说,他很早以前就想获得和她认识的荣幸,在纳雷什金家举办的舞会上他有幸看见她,真使他永生难忘。
He was followed by the host with marya antonovna narishkin ; then came ambassadors , ministers , and various generals , whose names madame peronsky never tired of reciting . more than half the ladies had partners , and were taking part , or preparing to take part , in the polonaise 男主人和玛丽亚安东诺夫娜纳雷什金娜跟在他后面,公使们大臣们各个兵种的将军们尾随于其后,佩斯卡娅不停地说出他们的名字。
In the place of honour between two alexanders bekleshov and naryshkin this , too , was intentional , in allusion to the name of the tsar they put bagration : three hundred persons were ranged about the tables according to their rank and importance , those of greater consequence , nearer to the distinguished guestas naturally as water flows to find its own level . just before dinner , count ilya andreitch presented his son to the prince 众人请巴格拉季翁在二位名叫亚历山大的客人别克列绍夫和纳雷什金之间的首席入座与国王同名,其用意实与圣讳有关,三百人均按官阶和职位高低在餐厅里入座,客人中间谁的职位愈高谁就离那备受殷勤款待的贵宾愈近,正如水向深处向低处流一样,是理所当然的事。
They drank to the health of bekleshov , of naryshkin , of uvarov , of dolgorukov , of apraxin , of valuev , to the health of the stewards , to the health of the committee , to the health of all the club members , to the health of all the guests of the club , and finally and separately to the health of the organiser of the banquet , count ilya andreitch 人们为别克列绍夫纳雷什金乌瓦罗夫多尔戈鲁科夫阿普拉克辛瓦卢耶夫的健康,为理事们的健康为管事人的健康,为俱乐部全体成员的健康为俱乐部的列位来宾的健康干杯,末了,单独为宴会筹办人伊利亚安德烈伊奇伯爵的健康干杯。