雄心壮志 lofty [soaring] aspirations; great ambitions; great and lofty aspirations; have lofty aims or noble ambitions; high hopes and great ambition; lofty aspirations and great ideals; lofty aspirations and high aims [ideals]; lofty ideals and high aspirations 树立雄心壮志 set high aims and have lofty aspirations; set one's sights high; 我们有雄心壮志, 到本世纪末, 使工农业生产总值翻两番。 we have hope to quadruple the total industrial and agricultural output by the end of the century, which is a lofty aim
实现四化的雄心壮志 soaring aspirations to realize the four modernizations
树雄心,立壮志 cherish lofty aspirationsaim high and have lofty ambitionsfoster great and lofty ambitionsfoster lofty ideals and set high goalshave lofty aspirations and high aims
壮志 great aspiration; lofty ideal 实现四化的雄心壮志 soaring aspirations to realize the four modernizations
雄心 great ambition; lofty aspiration 树立雄心 set up high aims and lofty aspirations; set one's sights high; 没有雄心 without ambition; 玛丽雄心很大, 竟想在两个月里学会用汉语流利地会话。 mary is ambitious enough to aspire to conversational fluency in chinese in two months
他是个具有非凡意志的人 he is a man of extraordinary will power
The unpretending praise thee, because thou has taken upon thyself the heroic burdens that are too heavy for them . 没啥雄心壮志的人赞颂你,因为你把他们承担不起的英雄事业自己担当起来了。
A man with ambition can devote himself to his study 一个有雄心壮志的人能够把心思放在学习上
Even the less ambitious might give that response , because you never know what life has in store for you 就算是没有甚么雄心壮志的人,都可能会这样回答你,因为世事难料,没有人知道将来会怎样。