We are pleased to send it every other month without cost to people who count in the industry . 每隔一个月我们都高兴地免费把它寄给这个行业里值得重视的人们。
We enjoy staying in the park every other sunday 每隔一个星期我们都到公园溜一趟。
Meetings are held on alternate thursdays 每隔一个星期的星期四举行一次会议。
They visit us every other month 他们每隔一个月来拜访我们一次。
He walked down the line shooting every other man with the pistol 他沿着队列,用手枪隔一个杀一个
We meet every other saturday 每隔一个星期六聚会一次。
A week later , word spread that master was going to entertain us again with a " romantic " dinner party 隔一个星期,消息传来师父要再重新招待我们一场有情调的晚宴。
The board meets regularly to discharge its functions , normally on alternate fridays of each month 城规会定期开会以执行其职能会议通常在每个月的每隔一个星期五召开。
Nothing attracted her attention except the chimes of the clock , which she looked at every hour with her large , hallucinatory eyes 任何事物都不能引起她的注意,除了钟鸣声,每隔一个小时,她用那大而迷幻的眼睛盯着时钟报时。
I dated this girl for about three months . every other word out of her mouth was a swear word . it ended up being a real turn - off 我跟这个女孩子约会了三个月。从她口里说出的话几乎每隔一个字就是脏话,结果她真使人感到兴味索然。