- fluctuate in line with market conditions; fluctuate along with market changes; be sold on the market at prices fixed according to demand and price changes
- 随行就市的商人 price taker
- 随行就市定价法 going-rate pricing
- 随行 go together; go along; accompany; be in company with
- 风随行 wdidb
- 随行的 attendant
- 随行件 tappet
- 随行腿 ruying-suixingtui
- 易随行 esys
- 影随行 movies
- 不行就闪吧 to give someone the hook
- 行就这么办 o.k
- 举行就职典礼 inaugurate
- 运行就绪阶段 operational readiness planning; planification de la mise en service et des opér
- 伴随行列式 adjoint determinant
- 非随行行李 unaccompanied baggage
- 跟随行为 following behavior
- 陪同前往,随行 go along with
- 如影随行 irresistible
- 随行刀架 follower rest; traveling stay
- 随行电缆 trailing cable; traveling cable
- 随行电缆架 traveling cable support
- 随行扶架 followingrest
- 随行夹具 follower fixture; pallet; traveling fixture; travellingfixture
- 随行件挺杆 tappet
- 随行人员 entourage; suite; party; retinue 总统及其随行人员 the president and his entourage
- 随行夹具自动更换装置 automatic pallet changer
- 随行就市的日语:価格が市場相場によって上下すること.(価格は)その時の相場による.
- 随行就市的韩语:시세에 따라 값이 오르내리다. 시세에 따라 가격을 매기다. 农产品充足了, 价格自然会随行就市落下来; 농산물이 충분하면 가격은 자연히 시세에 따라 떨어질 수 있다
- 随行就市什么意思:谓按市场行情行事。