- 除外 except; not including; not c ...
- 命题 assign a topic; set a questi ...
- 命题 1.(出题目) assign a topic; set a question 命题论文 assign a subject for thesis2.[逻辑学] (表达判断的句子) proposition; statement; thesis: ‘北京是中国的首都’, 这个句子就是一个命题。 the sentence, beijing is the capital of china is a proposition.3.[数学] proposition
- 除外 1.(不计算在内) except; but; exclusive of; with the exception of; barring; beyond; excepting; except for; not including; not counting; unless; short of 他每天去办公, 星期天除外。 he goes to office every day except (on) sunday. 一共5件行李, 药箱除外。 there are five pieces of luggage, not counting the medical kit. 除了几处语法错误之外, 你这篇作文写得不错。 apart from [except for] a few grammatical mistakes, this composition of yours is well written.2.(计算在内) besides; apart from; other than; in addition to; otherwise than; in(to) the bargain; on (the) top of 参观人除我之外, 还有另外的人。 there are other visitors besides me.; 除外条款 exceptive clause; 除外责任 exclusions
- 额外命名基准 xnb extra name base
- 外命令,输出命令 out command,oc
- 反命题 contrary proposition; counter proposition; counterproposition; inverse proposition
- 假命题 false statement; false proposition
- 命题;断言 assertion
- 命题树 propositional tree
- 逆命题 contrary propositions; converse proposition; converse sentence; inverse proposition
- 原命题 primary statement
- 真命题 true statement
- 逆命题, 倒转命题 converse proposition
- 除外的 exclusive; preclusive; saving
- 除外日 excluded days
- 除外闸 except gate
- 但……除外 except to the extent that
- 除外共结闸,除外闸 exjunction gate
- 【逻辑学】逆命题。 converse proposition
- 本原命题 primary sons
- 必然命题 apodeictic proposition
- 不确切命题 inexact statement
- 裁量命题 the discretion thesis
- 成分命题 constituent proposition