Ⅰ形容词 (山势峻峭; 坡度大) steep; precipitous 短语和例子
山陡路险。 the hill is steep, and the climb is dangerous. Ⅱ副词 (陡然; 突然) suddenly; abruptly 短语和例子
天气陡变。 the weather changed suddenly
陡岸 bold shore; steep coast; barranca; barranco; bold coast斗鲨 the “shark” hunters陡岸 陡削的 不良流线体 bluff斗筲之人 people who are mere pecks and hampers; a rice bag陡岸,山岳海岸 mountain coast斗筲之器 narrow-minded and shortsighted陡岸;悬崖 bluff斗筲 [书面语] an ancient bamboo container -- narrow-mindedness (比喻气量狭小, 才识短浅)陡岸坍毁 bluff failure斗笠 bamboo hat; large (bamboo) rain hat
A compression wave in decelerating flow steepens . 压缩波在减速流中变陡 。 The car can 't come up , as the slope is so steep . 坡太陡 了,车子上不来。 The mountain path becomes steeper and steeper as you go up . 山路愈走愈陡 。 The hill is steep , and the climb is dangerous . 山陡 路险。 The slope is steep and the path narrow . 坡陡 路狭。 At a surface exposure the host rock dips steeply to the east . 在一个露头处,含矿主岩向东陡 倾。 Who would have expected that he could climb up that steep cliff ? 这么陡 的峭壁,谁知他竟爬上去了。 From comparative neglect, his reputation has soared to the heights . 从前人们对他不大注意,现在声望陡 升。 It has a sharp front with a snout that is about five feet high . 它有一个陡 前峰,前锋有一个高五英尺的鼻子。 The trail zigzagged down the abrupt descent of the canyon . 这条小路弯弯曲曲的顺着峡谷那陡 削的下坡蜿蜒而下。
陡的法语 :形 escarpé;abrupt;à pic~坡côte escarpée;pente raide. 副 soudainement;brusquement天气~变.le temps changea brusquement.陡的日语 :(1)傾斜が急である.急で険しい. 这个山坡 shānpō 很陡/この山坂はたいへん険しい. (2)突然.急に. 天气陡变/天気が急変する.陡的韩语 :(1)[형용사] 가파르다. 깎아지르다. 山陡路险; 산이 가파르고 길이 험하다 这楼梯很陡; 이 계단은 매우 가파르다 这个路太陡, 车上去要小心; 이 길은 너무 험해서, 차로 가려면 조심해야 한다 →[坡pō(1)] (2)[부사] 돌연. 갑자기. 별안간. 天气陡变; 날씨가 돌변하다 =[斗(9)]陡的俄语 :[dǒu] 1) крутой; обрывистый (напр., о спуске) 2) внезапно, резко; вдруг 天气陡变了 [tiānqì dǒu biànle] — погода резко изменилась • - 陡壁 - 陡峭 - 陡然陡什么意思 :dǒu ㄉㄡˇ 1)斜度很大,近于垂直:~坡。~峭。~立。~峻。 2)突然:~然。~变。 ·参考词汇: precipitous steep 陡变 陡立 陡然 陡坡 陡峭 陡壁 陡度 陡峻 陡削