- 附属 subsidiary; auxiliary; attac ...
- 骨骼 skeleton; ossature
- 附属骨骼肌 accessory skeletal muscle
- 附属骨 appendicular skeleton; skeleton of limbs
- 附属骨化中心 accessory ossification center
- 骨骼 skeleton; ossature 人体骨骼 human skeleton
- 附属 subsidiary; auxiliary; attached; affiliated; collaterality 医学院附属医院 a hospital attached to a medical college; 这所学校附属于师范学院。 the school is attached to the normal college
- 俯属骨胳 appandicular skeleton
- 金属骨锤 metal mallet
- 金属骨架 metallic framework
- 基础金属骨架 foundation framing metals
- 鼻骨骼 skeleton of nose
- 共骨骼 coenenchyma; coenenchyme; coenosarc
- 骨,骨骼 bone
- 骨架,骨骼 skeleton
- 骨骼, 尸体 bones
- 骨骼,骨 bones
- 骨骼,骷髅 skeleton
- 骨骼表 skleton watch
- 骨骼的 boned; osteal; skeletal
- 骨骼钙 bone calcium
- 骨骼肌 [解剖学] skeletal muscle; musculi skeleti
- 骨骼胶 skeletin
- 骨骼砂 skeletal sand
- 骨骼痛 skeletal pain