- additional benefit funding
- 附加 add; attach
- 福利基金 welfare fund
- 专款 special fund
- 附加福利基金 additional benefit funding
- 附加福利基金例 the kr is the latest addition to our range of fax machines. additional benefit funding
- 附加福利 br /fringe benefits; perquisite; randzuwendungen pl
- 附加福利费 fringe benefit costs
- 附加福利税 fringe benefits tax
- 蓄优惠, 附加福利 fringe benefits
- 福利基金 benefit fund; public welfare fund; welfare fund
- 福利基金会 welfare foundation
- 保健福利基金 a health and welfare fund
- 筹措福利基金 raise a welfare fund
- 动物福利基金 ifaw
- 犯人福利基金 prisoners' welfare fund
- 福利基金准备 benefit fund reserve
- 康培福利基金 compass welfare foundation
- 社会福利基金 social welfare fund
- 社区福利基金 community chest
- 特别福利基金 special welfare fund
- 特种福利基金 special welfare fund
- 学校福利基金 school welfare fund
- 员工福利基金 employee benefit fund; staff welfare fund
- 政府福利基金 government welfare fund
- 职工福利基金 benefit fund for employees; employee benefit fund; employee welfare fund source; employee's welfare fund; personnel welfare fund; staff walfare fund