防盗 guard against theft; take precautions against burglars 防盗严密的住宅 a residence strongly guarded from thieves; 狗能防盗。 the dog is a protection against burglars.; 防盗保险 burglary [robbery] insurance; 防盗警报器 burglar alarm; 防盗门 burglar-proof door; anti-theft door
密码 cipher; cypher; cryptogram; steganogram; cipher code; secret code; code 破译不出的密码 inextricable cipher; 用密码书写 write in cipher; 破译密码 break a code; 数字式密码 a figure code; 所有重要计划均以密码送往警方。 all important plans were sent to the police in cipher. 这个间谍用密码发送情报。 the spy sent his message in code.; 密码传真 [讯] cifax; 密码电报 cipher telegram; code telegram; cipher; 密码电话机 ciphony equipment; 密码电文 cryptogram; cryptotext; 密码电信 message in cipher; 密码翻译 decryptography; 密码符号 cipher symbol; 密码函电 message in code [cipher]; 密码机 cipher machine; cryptographic machine; cryptograph; cryptography; 密码逻辑 cryptologic; 密码术 [讯] cryptology; cryptography; 密码锁 trick lock; 密码通讯 communicate with code telegram; 密码文件 [讯] cryptogram; 密码信 message in cipher; 密码信息 encrypted message; 密码学 cryptology; cryptography; 密码员 cryptographer; cipher clerk; 密码正文 cipher text
Our secure server software encrypts all of your personal information , including credit card information . the process of encryption takes the information you enter and converts it into bits of code that are securely transmitted over the internet Zuji的安全伺服器上的软件会将您所输入的所有个人资料,包括信用卡资料重新编写为防盗密码,令整个在互联网上的传送过程得到加密保安