- water-resistant explosive
- waterproof explosive
- 防水 waterproof; water proofing
- 炸药 explosive; explosive charges ...
- 抗水炸药 water-resistant explosive
- 深水炸药包 depth charge
- 防水工业炸药 water-resistant commercial explosive
- a炸药 composition a
- 炸药 explosive; explosive charges; dynamite; chloratit (克罗替炸药) 烈性炸药 high explosive; 甘油炸药 dynamite; 可塑性炸药 plastic explosive; 炸药包 pack [satchel] of dynamite; explosive package; satchel charges; 炸药库 explosive magazine
- 核深水炸弹 nuclear depth bomb
- 深水炸弹 [军事] depth charge; depth bomb; ash can; can; hydrobomb; torpedo; [美俗] ashbin (筒状的)
- 深水炸弹;牡蛎 oyster
- 深水炸弹班 depth charge crew
- 圣水炸弹 holy water bomb
- 防水布;防水衣 anorak
- 带杆深水炸弹 lance-bomb
- 航迹深水炸弹 aerial depth charge
- 核子深水炸弹 ndr
- 空投深水炸弹 an aerial depth charge
- 射电深水炸弹 projector depth charge
- 深水炸弹发射 depth charge firing
- 深水炸弹攻击 depth charge attack
- 深水炸弹滑道 depth charge release slip
- 深水炸弹壳体 depth charge case
- 深水炸弹口径 caliber of depth charge
- 深水炸弹引信 depth charge fuse; depth charge pistol
- 速沉深水炸弹 fast-sinking depth charge