防御 defense 积极防御 active defense; 消极防御 passive defense; 防御外来侵略 guard against external aggression; 共同防御 work together for the common defence; 由防御转入进攻 go over from the defensive to the offensive; 纵深防御 defence in depth; 加强防御力量 strengthen defence capabilities; 防御国家外部敌人的颠覆和侵略 guard against subversion and aggression by external enemies; 迫使敌人转入防御地位 force the enemy onto the defensive; 进攻是最好的防御。 the best defense is to attack
等级 1.(按质量、程度、地位等的差异而作出的区别) grade; rank 薪金等级 pay grade; 牛奶是分等级出售的。 milk is sold in grades.2.(在社会地位和法律地位上不平等的社会集团) order and degree; social estate; social stratum 封建社会等级森严。 feudal society was rigidly stratified
Currently that gear list puts me 8 defense rating shy of crit immunity 上面那张装备标准还差8防御等级才达到完全防爆击。
Effect : this spell boosts an ally ' s potential hit points and also grants a large armor class bonus 提高一个盟友潜在生命点数并给于大量防御等级奖励。
Most of the psionic powers and feats that improve the user ' s armor class seem to create a sort of force field around the user 许多提升防御等级的异能和专长看起来都是创造围绕使用者的力场。
On hell difficulty , monster hit points , armor class , experience , damage , chance to hit , and resistances all go up 在地狱级里,怪物的血,防御等级,经验,伤害,击中几率,以及魔法防御都会增加。
Strikes your target for 114 to 124 damage and surrounds you with and shield that increases armor class by 200 for 40 seconds 打击你的目标,造成90 - 98点伤害并且在你的周围形成一个护盾,在40秒内提升你的防御等级200点。
Strikes your target for 90 to 98 damage and surrounds you with a shield that increases your armor class by 160 for 40 seconds 打击你的目标,造成90 - 98点伤害并且在你的周围形成一个护盾,在40秒内提升你的防御等级160点。
Strikes your target for 139 to 151 damage but surrounds you with and shield that increases armor class by 240 for 40 seconds 打击你的目标,造成139 - 151点伤害并且在你的周围形成一个护盾,在40秒内提升你的防御等级240点。
Strikes your target for normal damage but surrounds you and your group with a shield that increases your armor class by 166 for 40 seconds 对目标造成普通伤害并且在你和你的小队身上附加一个护盾,在40秒内提升你们的防御等级166点。
Strikes your target for normal damage and surrounds you and your group with a shield that increases your armor class by 130 for 40 seconds 对目标造成普通伤害并且在你和你的小队身上附加一个护盾,在40秒内提升你们的防御等级130点。
A3 . make the attack roll : roll d20 and add all relevant modifiers . if the result is at least equal to the target ' s ac , the attack is tentatively a hit 进行进攻掷骰:投掷20面骰子,并加上所有相关的修正。如果结果不小于目标的防御等级,则该进攻暂时成功。