中国始终奉行防御性的国防政策 china has consistently pursued a national defense policy that is defensive in nature
Dr cheng highlighted the point that parapets provided only a passive line of defence to reduce the severity of accidents 郑汉钧博士指出,护栏只能作为一种防御性的设备,用以减轻在意外中的伤亡及损?程度。
As regards parapet design , an issue that attracted much public attention after the july incident , the panel pointed out that parapets provide only a passive line of defence to reduce the severity of accidents 七月所发生的事故引起市民对护栏设计的关注。专家小组认为护栏只能作为一种防御性的设备,用以减轻在意外中的伤亡及损?程度。