- defence member
- defence pattern
- 防守 defend; guard
- 单边防守阵式 single wingback formation
- 观察防守阵式 ram read the defense; read the defense
- 菱形防守阵式 diamond defence formation
- 防守阵地 redoubt
- 防守阵形 defensive pattern
- 最佳防守阵容 all-defensive team
- 半场横列阵式紧逼防守 half-court lateral press
- 半场纵列阵式紧逼防守 half-curt tandem press
- 阵式 buildup; configuration; formation
- 防守 defend; guard 防守边境 keep guard on the frontier; guard the frontier; 防守型打法 defensive play (球)
- 扼守阵地 hold a position
- 固守阵地 tenaciously defend one's position
- 坚守阵地 hold fast to one's position; stand one's ground; stand your ground; stand/ hold one's ground
- 死守阵地 rigidly adhere to
- 严守阵地 uphold the position
- a字阵式 a formation; a-formation
- m阵式 m formation
- t字阵式 t formation; t-formation
- wm阵式 wm formation; wm system
- 矩阵式 matrix◇矩阵式打印 [自动化] matrix printing; stylus printing; wire printing; 矩阵式打印机 matrix printer; 矩阵式反射天线 mattress reflector; 矩阵式天线阵 mattress array
- 字阵式 a formation
- v阵式, 三角阵式 v formation
- 巴西阵式, 4-2-4阵式 brazilian formation
- 反防守 anti-defeace; anti-defence; counter-parry; parry of detachment