( 1 ) wave shape is analysed by excel , and mathematic module is built ( 1 )利用excel对针阀升程信号的波形进行回归分析,建立针阀升程曲线的数学模型。
( 2 ) relation of quantity of fuel injection and needle vavle lift , rotation speed and pressure is got ( 2 )测定喷油量与针阀升程、喷油时间、主轴转速、喷油压力的关系。
( 2 ) area of wave shape is calcuted , and relation of voltage , time of fuel injection and area is got ( 2 )计算针阀升程信号波形的积分面积并推导积分面积与波形电压值及喷油时间的关系。
The technical line of the thesis is as follows : formula of quantity of fuel injection is got by studying relation of quantity of fuel injection and needle valve lift , time of fuel injection , rotation speed and pressure , and quantity of fuel injection is displayed 本课题研究的技术路线为:通过研究喷油量与针阀升程、喷油时间、主轴转速、喷油压力等的关系,推导出精确的喷油量计算公式,最终由显示器显示喷油量。
The authors carry out data collection and calculation for fuel injection pressure and needle valve lift signals measured on the fuel pump test bed by using self - developed software . on the basis of experiments , four criteria for analysing fuel injection process are proposed and the comparison of performances between au and nu type fuel outlet valves is made 作者用自行开发的软件对在油泵试验台上测得的喷油压力、针阀升程信号进行了数据采集和计算,在试验的基础上提出了分析喷油过程的四个判据,给出了au型和nu型出油阀的性能比较结果。
The contents of the thesis are as follows : ( 1 ) all the contents : magnetism sense fuel injector is designed . needle valve lift signal , rotation speed signal and pressure signal are collected and processed . circuit is designed . programme is programmed . ( 2 ) contents studied : the item is completed 本课题的研究内容有: ( 1 )本课题所要研究的内容包括:磁感喷油器的设计;针阀升程信号、主轴转速信号、喷油压力信号的采集与处理;系统硬件电路的设计;软件编程等。