间隔 interval; space; spacing; blanking; blank; region; distance; gap; intermission 留间隔 space out; 间隔五米 an interval of five metres; 有一天时间的间隔 with an interval of one day; 没有间隔 without interval; 火车每间隔 15分钟开一班。 trains are running at 15 minute intervals. 写字的时候, 字与字之间要有均匀的间隔。 space your words evenly when you write
带分隔条的综合式窥镜 convertible telescope with removable fin
The machine is used to fill the molecule sieve into the spacer frame so as to keep the air inside dry in production of sloralu insulating gias 该机是将干燥剂分子筛灌装到铝间隔框内的专用设备。该机操作方便,即人工手持铝间隔条用力插入灌装箱内,停顿几秒拔出即可,是制作槽铝式中空玻璃不可缺少的设备。