- 问答 questions and answers
- 式 type; style
- 教法 teaching method
- 的 4次方是 The fourth power of 2 i ...
- 问答式教学法的 catechetical
- 问答式教授 catechise
- 问答式教授者 catechist
- 问答式教学法 catechetics
- 问答式 question and answer mode
- 问答式的讲述 dialectical statement
- 问答式的谈话 catechism meeting
- 问答式远动系统 polling system,interrogative telecontrol system
- 问答浅注耶稣教法 doctrine of jesus in at chism formcantonn
- 教法 coaching method
- 问答 questions and answers◇问答方式 interrogation reply system; 问答练习 question-and-answer drills; 问答题 question-and-answer drills
- 病理学互动式教学方法的实施探讨 discussing the implement of interactive learning method in pathology
- 教法、要诀 instruction
- 教法官 cadi; kadi
- 教法学 ilmu' i-fiqh
- 示教法 lead-through teaching◇示教法编程 lead-through programming
- 宗教法 religious law
- 插塞应答式 plug answering
- 回答式干扰 repeater jamming
- 简答式测验 short answer test
- 应答式系统 polling-answerback system