Transience and closed collection of markov chains in random environment 随机环境中马氏链的瞬时性与闭集
The strong semi - open sets and weakly mapping in l smooth topological spaces 光滑拓扑空间中的强半开集强半闭集
Absolutely convex closed set 绝对凸闭集合
Note of divisibility of determinants of quadratic matrices on gcd - closed sets 关于最大公因数闭集上平方矩阵的行列式整除性的注记
Bounded closed set 有界闭集合
Regular closed set 正则闭集
Then is a ci operator if and only if 2 ) if ( a ) . then . 4 - a is a ci operator if and only if r ( a - a ) is not 贝a人为q算子一a人不是闭集,或者r卜一v一r卜一川ch
Respectively . since then there have been no further results on 3bd closed sets , except the fundamental construction for 3bds by a . hartman 近四十年来,除a . hartman有关3bd的基本构作外,未见3bd闭集的新结果。
One of reasons is that there is no topology on closed sets which guarantees the compactness of the minimising sequences and the lower semiconti - nuity of the sdq - 1 原因之一在于不存在关于闭集的拓扑能够保证极小化序列的紧性和s _ d ~ ( q - 1 )的下半连续性。
Two convergence theorems , which show that under suitable conditions evolution strategy asymptotically converges to a global minimum point with probability one , are given 对于有界闭集上的连续函数,证明了进化策略以概率为1收敛(几乎处处收敛)于优化问题的全局极小点。