闭门羹 cold-shoulder treatment; refusal of entrance 吃闭门羹 be denied entrance; find the door slammed in one's face; 飨以闭门羹 slam the door in sb.'s face; treat some to a closed door; turn a cold shoulder on
闭门不出 keep close at home; be confined to the house; keep in; remain quietly at home behind closed doors; shut one's doors fast so as not to venture out again
闭门思过 shut one's door and reflect on one's misdeeds;meditate on one's own faults behind closed doors;ponder over one's mistakes in solitude[behind closed doors]; reflect on one's misdeeds [faults] in private; shut oneself and ponder over one's mistakes
闭门谢客 shut one's door and decline seeing visitors [guests]; lead a retiring life; lock oneself up in one's room; live in complete seclusion; shut one's door to chance visitors; stop receiving visits from friends
闭门造车 shut oneself up in a room making a cart; carry out one's idea irrespective of external circumstances; divorce oneself from the masses and from reality and act blindly; do whatever one likes individually, oblivious of the world; draw up plans behind closed doors; indulge in fantasy (to build air castles); make a cart behind closed doors;work behind closed doors;work on [at] some project without reference to what the world requires [needs]