ablaze flaming flaring glaring glary luminous scintillant sheeny
闪耀 flash; sparkle; glitter; shi ...的 4次方是 The fourth power of 2 i ...闪耀的时刻 shining hour闪耀的围裙 path of the blazing sarong闪耀的眼睛 shining eyes闪耀的,有才气的 brilliant闪耀的, 炫目的, 瞪视的 glaring闪耀的黄铁矿球 catface闪耀的镰刀-弯形大刀 gleamscythe-falchion着火燃烧的;闪耀的 ablaze如在舌尖上闪耀的光芒 sensually shining to taste on the tongue闪耀的花朵耀眼的跳跃 flaming flowers that brightly blazed那是在宇宙边际闪耀的一束光 a beam of light shinin'to the edge of the universe你的爱就如黑暗中闪耀的光芒 shining your love into my life在天空中找寻著闪耀的星星 search for the brightest star in the sky只见你带著你闪耀的光辉出现 and you appear in all your splendour闪耀 flash; sparkle; glitter; shine; radiate 太阳闪耀着光芒。 the sun shines with a dazzling light. 灯光在黑暗中闪耀。 lights flash up in the darkness. 巴黎公社的原则闪耀着不灭的光辉。 the principles of the paris commune radiates with eternal light光耀的 brilliant辉耀的 flamboyant; incandescent; shiny夸耀的 pretentious; pride荣耀的 honourable眩耀的 garish照耀的 beamed; illuminating; radiant; sunny炫耀的 blatant; garish; gewgawish; showy; swanky光闪耀 optical scintillation
Everything was quiet under the blinking stars . 在这闪耀的 星光底下,一切都很平静。 To them general de gaulle shone as a star in the pitch-black night . 在他们的眼中,戴高乐就好象是漆黑的夜晚中的一颗闪耀的 明星。 City of hurried and sparkling waters! city of spires and masts! city nested in bays! my city ! 匆匆地和闪耀的 流水城市!塔尖与桅樯耸立的城市!蹲在海湾里的城市!我的城市! Glittering like hoar - frost to my wandering eyes 像闪耀的 白霜一样随着我徘徊的眼睛 These bright lights have always blinded me 这些闪耀的 光总是让我盲目。 1 we sat outside the tent and gazed at the sparkling stars 我们坐在帐篷外面欣赏着闪耀的 星星。 Years of the leakey family in east africa 群星闪耀的 利基家族100 Like the star would shine , forever 像是闪耀的 星星,永远地。 I love to make her laugh , to see that sparkle in her eye 我喜欢逗她笑,喜欢看她眼里那闪耀的 光芒。 You are my fondest wish and my brightest dream . be mine ?是我最钟爱的希望,最闪耀的 梦想。让我拥有? 。