- 长方 rectangle involution; power
- 型 mould; model
- 午餐肉 pork luncheon meat
- 午餐肉 pork luncheon meat 火腿午餐肉 ham luncheon meat
- 长方型 square
- 火腿午餐肉 ham luncheon meat; luncheon ham meat
- 牛羊午餐肉 beef and mutton luncheon meat
- 午餐肉;小吃肉 luncheon meat
- 午餐肉罐头 ca ed pork luncheon meat; canned pork luncheon meat
- 羊肉午餐肉 mutton luncheon meat
- 云腿午餐肉 luncheon meat with {yu an} ham; luncheon meat with {yunnan} ham
- 炸午餐肉 fried lunchoen meat
- 猪肉午餐肉 pork luncheon meat
- 斯帕姆午餐肉 spam
- 长方型蹲式便盆 rectangular squat pan
- 蝴蝶型长方型首饰盒 a decorated jewelry box
- 午餐 lunch; [法国] déjeuner; tiffin; [苏格兰] twelve hours
- 长方 rectangular◇长方键 longitudinal key; 长方体 [数学] rectangular parallelepiped
- 方型波 square
- 方型材 four sided section; quadrangular section
- 方型的 square shaped
- 方型牌 square hand
- 方型艉 square cut stern
- 四方型 square -
- 早餐肉, 小吃肉 breakfast meat