The base line can be set out as a single or double chain . 基线可作为一条单链系或双链系。
It is important to recognize that this structural linkage contains the web of the wheel, spin bearing and shaft in addition to the gimbal structure . 必须看到,在这结构链系中,除了框架结构之外,还包括转子的辐壁、主轴承与轴。
Conic four bar linkage 圆锥四杆链系
Cranked link chains 曲轴连接链系
The middle one represents the wisdom eye and the other two pieces on the left and right are like two physical eyes . another two pieces of opal tied to the crescent moon by gold chains represent a body and four limbs 其上镶三块蛋白石:中间那块代表智慧眼,左右两块像眼睛,弯月之下由金链系着的另外两块蛋白石则象徵着身体与四肢。