It also expressed doubts that the uae company , florida or the u . s . government can ensure compliance with american security rules 它同时表示对阿链球公司,美政府能保证不与美国安全章程发生冲突的怀疑。
The associated press reports that a company at the port of miami has sued to block the uae company ' s takeover of shipping operations there 美联社报告一个在迈阿密港口的公司已经提起控诉来组织阿链球公司接管这里的运输业务。
The duchess said to alice , flinging the baby at her as she spoke . i must go and get ready to play croquet with the queen , and she hurried out of the room 公爵夫人一边对爱丽丝说,一边就把小孩扔给她, “我要同王后玩链球去了,得准备一下。 ”
A metal ball weighing16 pounds ( 7 . 2 kilograms ) and having a long wire or wooden handle by which it is thrown for distance in track - and - field competition 链球由重16磅( 7 。 2千克)的金属球和一条长链或木把手组成,人手持链端或把手在田径比赛中将其投远以争高低
From the 100m dash to the 42 . 195km marathon , from the hammer throw to the high jump , it contai many of the olympic games ' blue - ri on events and many of the highest - profile competitors 无论是百米短跑还是全程42 . 195公里的马拉松,无论是链球比赛还是跳高,田径比赛包含了众多奥运会的经典项目和为数众多的大牌明星。
From the 100m dash to the 42 . 195km marathon , from the hammer throw to the high jump , it contains many of the olympic games blue - ribbon events and many of the highest - profile competitors 无论是百米短跑还是全程42 . 195公里的马拉松,无论是链球比赛还是跳高,田径比赛包含了众多奥运会的经典项目和为数众多的大牌明星。
From the 100m dash to the 42 . 195km marathon , from the hammer throw to the high jump , it contains many of the olympic games ' blue - ribbon events and many of the highest - profile competitors 无论是百米短跑还是全程42 . 195公里的马拉松,无论是链球比赛还是跳高,田径比赛包含了众多奥运会的经典项目和为数众多的大牌明星。