Resistant to sea water , mineral oils , chain hydrocarbon , corrosion and impact 漆膜可耐海水、矿物油、链烃、腐蚀和碰撞。
Study on extraction and stability of pigment in the leaves of forsythia viridissima flower 分子连接性指数用于饱和链烃类化合物相关性的研究
Its molecular structure shows that it acts long carbochain as hydrophobic group and serves carboxyl and hydroxyl group as hydrophilic grouping 其分子结构特征为:以长碳链烃基为憎水基, ? coom为亲水基团。
A . enzymes transform complex , recalcitrant aromatic and aliphatic hydrocarbons that are not easily biodegradable to simple fatty acids , thereby accelerating biological cleanup 答:酶能转化复杂的,难降解的芳烃和直链烃类化合物,并不是轻易地将它们生物降解为为简单的脂肪酸,而是加速生物清除的过程。
Gas chromatography - mass spectrometry ( gc - ms ) analyses showed that both potassium permanganate and chlorine could oxidate the organic matters with unsaturated functional groups into those with carboxyl , hydroxyl and aldehyde . and it was further revealed that after preoxidation by potassium permanganate , the sorts of organic matters were reduced remarkably , however , chlorination leaded to increase of the sorts of orgnic matters and brought some chloro - organics such as chlorobenzene , chlorophenol , and trichloro - ethane 通过色谱-质谱联用( gc - ms )评价分析了高锰酸钾和氯对有机物结构的改变,高锰酸钾和氯均将原水中的一些不饱和性有机物氧化分解为一些含氧基团的有机物,如羧酸类、醇类和醛等有机物,但预氯化会在水中出现一些卤代物,卤代产物不仅出现在苯环上,而且出现在链烃上。