In the mid - winter period , a pale - mantled gull with an entirely white head really has to be mongolian 在冬季中期,我们可以判断一只背羽淡色而头部全白的大鸥一定是蒙古银鸥。
I would expect , though , that mongolian gull would be a big number migrant through that area and that your big gulls would be that species 我会认为,蒙古银鸥会大量的迁徙经过该区域,而你的大鸥会是那个鸟种
This one mongolian with white head , strong contrast between primaries and pale grey of upperwing and seven black - marked primaries 这只蒙古银鸥有白色的头部,初级飞羽和上翼面的淡灰色间的强烈对比,以及七枚带黑色的初级飞羽
Big gulls have been absent here on several winter visits ( a late february visit last year produced up to 60 , mostly heuglin ' s , gulls ) 这个冬天最近几次来这里观鸟,都没有看到黑脊鸥(去年二月的一次观鸟行,看到约六十只,大部分是灰林银鸥) 。
Adult winter mongolian gull : this bird has new primaries with white tips ( mongolian is the first of the three species to complete its primary moult ) 蒙古银鸥成鸟冬羽:这只已有完整的初级飞羽白色羽尖新羽(蒙古银鸥是三种中最早完成换羽的) 。
This is a " lo - fi " version of our main content . to view the full version with more information , formatting and images , please click here 想去年我们同去? ?湖看黄脚银鸥,在见到你之前,游隼就在我头上40米飞过,可惜如果是你碰到就能拍到清晰版本了。
In the late autumn period , it may be more difficult to rule out late - moulting vega gulls if we are to use “ white heads ” as our main method of separating the two 在秋季后期,我们如果主要是利用头部全白与否来分辨这两种,那就很难排除那些换羽较迟的织女银鸥个体。
Mongolian gull : pale upperside , clear contrast between black primaries and pale blue - grey upperwing , strikingly white head , typically two quite large mirrors on p10 and p9 蒙古银鸥:淡色的上翼面,黑色初级飞羽和淡蓝灰色上翼面间明显的对比,显著的白色头部,典型地在p10及p9上有二个相当大的翼镜
Scientists have discovered the tree mallow is choking puffin breeding sites on scottish islands and have warned that the plant could soon start killing off other seabirds , such as herring gulls and cormorants 科学家发现花葵正在扼杀海雀在苏格兰离岛上的繁殖地,并警告这种植物很快就会开始杀害其他的海鸟,如银鸥和鸬? 。