This will allow banks , securities houses and their customers to have seamless transactions between equity , bonds , derivatives and foreign exchange 这样,银行证券公司和它们的客户就能够完全经由电脑系统买卖股票债券衍生工具和外汇。
This paper ' s background is the foreign securities trading online . through the analyses of the present situation and the advantages and disadvantages of the securities business online in china , the author points out that chinese online securities trading business must go through the way from information competition to price competition , the trend of comprehensive finance will forward the deepening of business , and the reform of commission system is imperative under the situation 指出我国的网上证券交易应先信息竞争后价格竞争,网上交易业务技术模式必须满足可运行、可锁定、可扩展三个目标,网上证券交易可采取证券营业部登记注册,网络为交易平台;银行证券公司合作;完全以网络交易平台为依托,实现网上注册、网上交易、网上资金划转等业务三种运行模式。