- the iron tree in blossom -- sth. seldom seen or hardly possible
- 桃树开花了 the peach trees are blooming
- 银树开花 a silver tree bursts into blossom -- an impossibility
- 竹树开花 bamboo blossom
- 樱桃树开始开花了 the cherry trees began to put forth their blossoms
- 铁树 [树] sago cycas; folium cycadis revolutae
- 开花 1.(花蕾开放; 比喻心里高兴或脸露笑容) flower; bloom; blossom; be in flower; come into flower 心里乐开了花 burst with joy; feel elated; 樱桃树开始开花了。 the cherry-trees began to put forth their blossoms. 今年李子树不开花。 there is no blossom this year on the plum trees.2.(裂开; 炸开) explode 手榴弹在敌人头上开花。 the hand-grenade exploded right over the enemy.; 开花弹 bullet; fragmentation bomb; 开花阶段 flowering phase; 开花期 anthesis; blowth; inflorescence; bloom; blooming period; efflorescence; [植物学] florescene; 开花受粉 chasmogamous; 开花受精 chasmogamy; 开花诱导 flower induction; 开花炸弹 scatter-bomb; 开花植物 bloomer
- 胡铁树 hu tieshu
- 苏铁树 cycas revoluta
- 铁树果 sago seed
- 铁树花 fruticose dracaena flower
- 铁树目 cycad
- 铁树属 cycas
- 铁树叶 folium cycas; fruticose dracaena leaf; tieshuye folium cordylines fruticosae
- 开花期,开花 anthesis
- 巴西铁树 dracaena fragrans; pao-ferro
- 白边铁树 dracaena deremensis
- 赫连铁树 helian tieshu
- 红叶铁树 cordyline terminalis
- 剑叶铁树叶 strictleaf dracaena leaf
- 马来赤铁树 malam
- 马尾铁树 dracaena marginata
- 山铁树叶 cambodia dracaena leaf
- 苏铁(巴西铁树) cycas recoluta
- 苏铁树叶 cycas leaf
- 铁树枝干 iwbr
- 铁属元素 ferride
- 铁树开花的日语:〈成〉ソテツの木に花が咲く.実現不可能なことやきわめて珍しいことのたとえ.
- 铁树开花的韩语:【성어】 소철에 꽃이 피다; 아주 드문 일. 실현될 가망이 매우 적은 일.
- 铁树开花的俄语:pinyin:tiěshùkāihuā на железном дереве распустятся цветы (обр. в знач.: невиданное дело, совершенно невозможное дело)
- 铁树开花什么意思:tiě shù kāi huā 【解释】比喻事情非常罕见或极难实现。 【出处】明朝王济《君子堂日询手镜》:“见事难成,则云须铁树开花。” 【拼音码】tskh 【用法】主谓式;作主语、宾语;形容事情很难做成 【英文】something seldom seen or hardly possible as the iron tree blooms