“ now i have muscles of steel and could easily deal with giving birth “现在我拥有钢铁一般的肌肉,连生孩子都会毫不费力。 ”
A recurve bow coated in fibreglass has become standard , and arrows made of aluminium and carbon graphite can travel more than 240km h , but the most important requirements are straightforward : steady hands , strong shoulders , flexible muscles , sharp eyes and nerves of steel 覆盖着玻璃纤维,向内凹进的弓已经成为了标准用具,用铝和石墨制成的箭时速可高达240公里。然而,最关键的要求还是那么简单:稳健的双手强有力的肩膀柔韧的肌肉犀利的眼睛和钢铁一般的神经。