This whelp is the only person she loves ! 这狗崽子便是她唯一钟爱的人了!
He expired in the arms of his beloved daughter . 他是在他所钟爱的女儿的怀抱中断气的。
What object or consideration more pleasing than this can be presented to the human mind ? 在人类心灵中还会出现什么比这更令人钟爱的事物呢?
She accused him of not loving her and asked herself distractedly how to gain his affection . 她责备他不爱她,并且心烦意乱地自问,怎样才能得到他的钟爱。
A man also may be an object to me of love, fear, or admiration, even to astonishment, and yet not be an object of respect . 一个人也许能够成为我所钟爱、恐惧、惊羡,甚至惊异的对象,但是他并不因此就成了我所敬重的对象。
I hope that dorian gray will make this girl his wife, passionately adore her for six months, and then suddenly become fascinated by some one else . 我希望道林格雷会娶这个姑娘,热情洋溢地钟爱她六个月,接着突然迷上另一个人。
It seems to have long been appreciated by europeans 这里一直为欧洲游客所钟爱。
Adorned in masters ' loving art , she lies 她躺在大师们令人钟爱的杰作的怀抱里。
Those have most power to hurt us , that we love 我们钟爱的人,才有力量重创我们。
Nice food , with few tourists my favorite " tapa " bars 我最钟爱的小食tapa吧