hunchback of notre dame,the the hunchback of notre dame
钟楼 bell tower; belfry; bellhous ...怪人 eccentric; a peculiar person ...钟楼怪人2 the hunchback of notre dame 2; the hunchback of notre dame ii钟楼怪人ii the hunchback of notre dame ii钟楼怪人(卡通) the hunchback of notre dame钟楼怪人续集 the hunchback of notre dame 2; the hunchback of notre dame ii钟楼怪人老实钟的秘密 the hunchback of notre dame ii钟楼 1.(设置大钟的楼) bell tower; belfry; bellhouse; campanile2.(安装时钟的较高的建筑) clock tower怪人 eccentric; a peculiar person; a strange person; crank; aberrant; oddity; sphinx; character; prodigy钟楼, 钟塔 belfry笨蛋, 怪人 ding-a-ling怪人帮 circle jerks the; circle jerks,the怪人的 kookie; kooky怪人秀 the freak show奇人、怪人 a strange fish北京鼓楼、钟楼 gulou and zhonglou车站钟楼 companile独立钟楼 free standing bell tower尖沙咀钟楼 clock tower, hong kong教堂的钟楼 church belfries圣马可钟楼 st mark's campanile圣母院钟楼 tour de notre dame有天 [钟楼舵侠 someday有钟楼的 belfried札幌市钟楼 sapporo clock tower
I will kick your butt so high ; you look like a hunchback 我要把你的屁股踢的老高,让你像钟楼怪人 一样。 His best - known works are the novels les mis rables and notre - dame de paris ( movie : the hunchback of notre - dame ) 他最著名的两部作品是小说《悲惨世界》和《巴黎圣母院》 (电影:钟楼怪人 ) 。