Some ice fishermen prefer the old ways 有些冰钓的钓客比较喜欢用古时候的方法。
Once the fish swallow s the bait , the fisherman is in for the fight of a lifetime 一旦鱼吞下诱饵,钓客就准备展开一场殊死战!
People fish from a large boat miles out in the ocean , using long , heavy rods and reels 钓客的船位于离陆地很远的汪洋上,他们在船上用又长又重的钓竿和绕线轴钓鱼。
In winter across the northlands , you can see fishermen sitting on ice - covered lakes near holes in the ice 在北国的冬天,你可以看到钓客坐在结冰湖面凿出的洞口附近。
After you come through the sentry post at national sun yat - sen university , you find a long breakwater that is a dream fishing ground 进入中山大学的警卫哨后,长长的防波堤为钓客们最佳的钓场。
Rainbow trout swim in colorado ' s beautiful streams and rivers , and fly - fishermen flock to those streams to catch them 虹鳟穿梭在科罗拉多州美丽的小溪和河流中,采用西式毛钩钓法的钓客纷纷前往那些溪流钓这些虹鳟。
His novel " the old man and the sea " was said to be inspired by his fishing exploits in the bahamas and cuba , and he worked on " to have and have not " in bimini 时引发的灵感。海明威的传奇使比迷尼岛成为著名的旅游胜地,而“钓客大全”酒吧也凭借其收藏的大量有关海明威的珍贵照片和
It has coral fossils and sandy beaches and is a favourite haunt of fishers and lovers . it is situated on the western side of kaohsiung , with mt . shoushan to its north , and kaohsiung harbour and chichin island to the south 位于高雄市西侧,北倚寿山,南隔高雄港与旗津半岛相望,同时具备礁石与沙滩,是在地钓客与情侣的最爱。
A fire destroyed the ernest hemingway museum and the compleat angler bar on friday on the bahamian island of bimini , one of the american novelist ' s 1930s haunts during the days he stalked big game fish 位于巴哈马的比迷尼岛上的欧内斯特海明威博物馆以及开设博物馆的“钓客大全” compleat angler近日在一场大火中被夷为平地。
On december 19 , 11 residents were among 20 people killed when a chalk ' s ocean airways seaplane plunged into the sea in miami ' s shipping channel . hemingway drank at the compleat angler between fishing trips in his vessel pilar in search of marlin , wahoo and sailfish in the pristine waters around bimini 海明威,美国上世纪30年代著名小说家,当年曾驾驶皮拉pilar号渔船在比迷尼岛附近水域搜寻马林鱼刺鲅和旗鱼时,也曾在“钓客大全”酒吧喝酒。