Hypoglycemic effects of sodium metavanadate in diabetic mice and its effect on glucose phosphorylation 偏钒酸钠降低糖尿病小鼠血糖及其对葡萄糖磷酸化的影响
Taken together , these findings indicate that locking c - crkii in the phosphorylated state with vanadate prevents its participation in the signaling system that initiates adipocyte differentiation 上述研究结构提示通过钒酸钠的c - crkii限制在磷酸化状态能够抑制其参与脂肪细胞分化前期过程的信号传递过程。
Vanadate , a potent ptpase inhibitor , locks adipocyte differentiation at an early stage in the program and leds to the accumulation of p - c - crkii , a phosphotyrosyl protein that is a substrate for ptpase ha2 研究发现一种强烈的磷酸酯酶抑制剂- -钒酸钠能够作用于脂肪细胞的分化早期过程从而抑制其分化,并使一种ptpha2的底物即酪氨酸磷酸化的蛋白质p - c - crkii累积。