- banking and insurance business
- 金融 finance; banking
- 保险 insure; guarantee; insurance
- 金融保险成本 costs of banking and investment business
- 金融保险收入 banking and insurance income
- 金融保险和不动产 banking insurance and estate
- 主题六金融保险 finance and lnsurance
- 国际化的金融保险业管理 international management of finance &insurance industry
- 保险和金融 insurance and finance
- 金融及保险 banking, finance and insurance
- 金融学(含保险学) finance (including insurance)
- 金融、银行、货币体系、保险 finances. banking. monetary systems. insurance
- 金融法与保险法 financial law and insurance law
- 冻融保护 freeze-thaw protection
- 出口金融和保险公司 export finance and insurance corporation; federal insurance corporation
- 出口金融和保险公司(澳) export finance and i urance corporation; export finance and insurance corporation
- 金融和保险业一般业务员 finance and insurance clerks
- 金融 finance; banking◇金融比率 financial ratios; 金融呆滞 financial stringency; 金融改革 financial reform; 金融改组 financial reorganization; 金融杠杆 monetary lever [leverage]; 金融公司 finance company; finance corporation; 金融公司存款市场 market in finance house deposits; 金融寡头 financial oligarch; financial magnate; 金融汇率 financial rate; 金融货币危机 financial and monetary crisis; 金融机构 financial institution; banking institution; 金融机关 financial institution; 金融机关投资家 institutional investor; 金融结构 financial structure; 金融季节性 financial seasonableness; 金融集团 financial clique; 金融家 city man; financier; 金融交易 financial transactions; 金融界 financial community; financial circle; financial interests; financial world; moneyed interest; 金融紧缩 tight money policy; deflationary policy; 金融居间人 financial intermediaries; 金融巨头 shark of high finance; financial tycoon; 金融媒介 financial intermediation; 金融媒介[中介]物 financial intermediary; 金融人士 financial figures; 金融商行 financial house; 金融市场 financial market; monetary markets; money market; market for funds; 金融市场松动 easing of money rates; 金融市场银根紧 stringency of the money market; 金融数量管理 financial quantitative regulation; 金融数量管制 financial quantitative control; 金融体制 monetary system; 金融投机 monetary speculation; 金融危机 financial crisis; 金融学会 finance [monetary] society; 金融正常化 financial normalization; 金融政策 financial policy; 金融制裁 financial sanction; 金融中心 banking centre; financial centre; 金融资本 financial capital; finance capital
- 阿拉伯银行保险和金融雇员联合会 arab union of bank insurance and finance employees
- 地方性中小金融机构存款保险制度 a deposit insurance system for local small and medium-sized financial institutions
- 金融及保险中的风险分析和风险管理 risk analysis and management in economy, finance and insurance
- 数量金融学和保险精算科学 quantitative finance and actuarial science
- 保险 1.(以集中起来的保险费建立保险基金, 用于补偿各种原因造成的损失的一种方法) insure; guarantee; insurance 给自己的房屋保火险 insure one's house against fire; 船舶定期保险 time hull insurance; 海损保险 marine insurance; 货物保险 cargo insurance; 强制保险 compulsory insurance; 待业保险 employment-pending insurance; 人寿保险 life insurance; 再保险 reinsurance2.(稳妥可靠) safe; secure 钱存入银行最保险。 it is safest to deposit your money in the bank.3.[口语] (担保) be bound to; be sure to 他明天保险会来。 he is sure to come tomorrow. 保险能行! it's bound to work.; 保险财产 insured property; 保险储蓄 insured savings; 保险代理人 insurance agent; 保险带 safety belt; 保险单据 insurance documents; 保险刀 safety razor; 保险额 amount insured; sum insured; 保险法 insurance law; 保险阀 lock valve; relief valve; 保险范围 insurance coverage; extent of insurance coverage; 保险公司 insurance company; 保险柜 safe; 保险合同 insurane contract; contract of insurance; 保险机构 safety unit; safety and arming device; 保险金额 insurance amount; insured amount; sum insured; sum of insurance; amount covered; 保险经纪人 canvasser; insurance brokers; 保险经济学 economics of insurance; 保险客户 policy-holder; policy holder; 保险类别 branch of insurance; 保险赔偿 insurance indemnity; 保险赔款 insurance proceeds; insurance indemnities; 保险凭证 insurance certificate; certificate of insurance; 保险期 insurance period; term of guaranteed service; 保险契约 contract of insurance; 保险人insurer; assurer; 保险申请 insurance application; 保险索赔 insurance claims; 保险锁 check-lock; guard lock; 保险系数 factor of safety; safety factor; 保险险别 coverage; 保险箱 proof box; safe; ark; bank's vault; strong-box; safe deposit box; 保险业务 insurance services; 保险责任终止 termination of risk; 保险帐户 underwriting account; 保险证明书 certificate of insurance; cover note; 保险装置 safety action; safety device; 保险总额 coverage
- 保险,保险 insurance
- 货币,金融 monetary
- 及金融 banking &finance
- Finance , insurance , real estate and business services
金融保险地产及商用服务业 - How to write and publish a paper in international journals
演讲主题:如何在一流的金融保险国际期刊发表论文 - Connection scheme between heterogeneous financial and insurance systems based on soap
的金融保险异构系统衔接方案 - Tel : 00 86 10 5192 4371
负责:金融保险/法律 - Financing , insurance , real
金融保险地产 - Makers of pipes , tobacco , cigars , and humidors sold through local retailers
-以卷烟工业为主,涉足商业物流金融保险等产业。 - When shake condition is critical , what should department of insurance of finance , finance do
震情紧急时,财政、金融保险部门应做些什么? - Employee compensation claims in respect of financing , insurance , real estate and business services industries
金融保险地产及商用服务业的雇员补偿索偿 - Zurich financial services is focusing its resources on developing its core property & casualty business