- 金属 metals genus
- 鉴别 distinguish; differentiate; ...
- 仪 appearance; bearing
- 鉴别仪 diccover608
- 种属鉴别 species identification
- 材料鉴别仪 identometer
- 材质鉴别仪 identometer
- 敌友鉴别仪 friend or foe identification
- 电磁鉴别仪 salford magnetic sorting bridge; salfordmagneticsortingbridge
- 钢鉴别仪 steel sorter
- 伪钞鉴别仪 tp wj-151
- 专属鉴别试验 general identification test; specific identification test
- 金属鉴定术 metallometry
- 定频友敌鉴别仪 fixed frequency iff
- 人民币伪钞鉴别仪 counterfeit rmb--banknote discriminating device; counterfeit rmb-banknote discriminating device
- 鉴别 distinguish; differentiate; discriminate; discern; identify 鉴别能力 ability to differentiate; 鉴别文物 make an appraisal of a cultural relic; 鉴别真伪 discern the false from the genuine; 鉴别善恶 discern good from evil; 根据指纹鉴别罪犯 the identification of criminals by fingerprints; 有些人难以鉴别蓝绿两种颜色。 some people find it difficult to discern blue from green.; 鉴别力 flair; 鉴别率 [电学] discrimination; 鉴别码 authentication code; 鉴别能力 resolving ability; resolution capability; 鉴别误差 discrimination error
- 敌我识别仪 aiff
- 告别仪式 farewell ceremony
- 流体识别仪 fluid identification device
- 光符识别仪器 document/page reader
- 光标记识别仪器 optical mark recognition machine
- 计算机型识别仪 computerized pattern recognition
- kerberos鉴别 kerberos authentication
- 峰鉴别 peak identification
- 估计,鉴别 estimation